Pitt County Named “All-America County” by National Civic League
Press Release
Pitt County Office of Public Information
Phone: 252-902-2955 ∙ Fax: 252-830-6311
August 20, 2020 Page 1 of 1
For Immediate Release
Pitt County Named “All-America County” by National Civic League
2020 was the County’s first entry and win in the annual All America City Awards
(Pitt County) — On Wednesday, August 19, 2020, Pitt County, North Carolina was recognized as one of 10 “All-America County” award winners. This honor was presented to the County by the National Civic League, during their annual conference, held virtually throughout the nation, and hosted from Denver CO. The award comes in recognition of the County’s work in inclusive civic
engagement to address health and well-being, and create stronger connections among residents, businesses, and nonprofit and government leaders.
“We are happy to designate Pitt County as an All-America County” said National Civic League President, Doug Linkhart. “They showed us through their application and presentation that they do a great job of engaging the whole county in enhancing health and well-being.”
Nationwide, all applicants submitted their community’s work on enhancing health and well-being through inclusive civic engagement and three projects for consideration, and the field was narrowed to 22. This week, finalist communities made presentations virtually to a jury of eleven national thought-leaders, showing how their community leverages civic engagement, collaboration, inclusiveness and innovation to successfully address local issues.
Identified in Pitt County’s common mission is an intentional commitment to engage people to determine their needs and to implement solutions. From the community health needs
assessment, to comprehensive master plans, to appointments to boards and commissions, to establishing health priorities, the county listens intently to the voices of residents. Using these resident voices, Pitt County identifies, develops and targets initiatives that connect community members with resources that improve health and well-being. Pitt County supports
all residents by: helping incarcerated individuals through the Reentry Council; providing health care to the underserved through the Community Paramedic Program; and establishing a
healthy sustainable food system.
To learn more about the All-America City awards, or the National Civic League in general, visit their website at www.nationalcivicleague.org. To learn more about the various other
distinctions awarded to Pitt County, visit www.PittCountyNC.gov/Distinctions.
For more information on this or any press release, contact Michael Scott Emory, Director of Public Information at 252-902-2955.